agile How Having Bad Agile Retrospective Meetings Can Sink a Team Agile retrospectives can easily go wrong, leading to some pretty big team issues. Check out this take on three common pitfalls teams run into when running sub optimal retrospectives.
agile The Biggest Problem Agile Teams Have with Retrospectives Agile retrospective meetings can take too long, and that's why many don't have enough of them. Here are three ways to make retrospectives less panful
agile Agile Software Development Retrospectives: Why the Invitee List Matters Why inviting guests to your agile software development retrospectives can improve your retros
retrospective What is Recency Bias and Why is it Bad For Retrospectives? Recency bias is commonly misunderstood. Here is how it applies to agile software development teams and why it can be so bad for retrospectives
retrospective Fee Fi Foe Scrum: How Tech Giants Are Stomping On Agile Many tech companies are adopting agile, but they might be in over their heads. Find out why.